Printable Letters From Santa
Child Worried Santa Will Get Covid

Text of the letter:

Dear _______________,

I got your letter. It’s so sweet of you to worry about me getting Covid! I wanted to write back right away and let you know there is no cause for concern. I’m going to be fine!

While sadly Covid has impacted many families’ lives, we have been fortunate here in the North Pole. Mrs. Claus, the elves, and I are all fully vaccinated. Plus, we wear face masks when we need to, and I change my gloves and wash my hands all the time. Also, I spoke with my doctor, and he said that even if I were to get Covid, there are treatments that should make the virus not a big deal for me at all.

I’m so grateful for scientists and medical professionals, but I also appreciate kids like you who are always thinking about health and safety. But, please, try not to worry too much. I know the pandemic is stressful, but there is so much to be thankful for at Christmastime and all year long.



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