Printable Letters From Santa
Incarcerated Parent Santa Letter

Text of the letter:

Dear _______________,

Ho, ho, ho! Christmas is getting closer, as I can tell from how busily my elves are working in the toy shop. My reindeer are doing daily exercises to get into flying shape. It’s an exciting time!

I heard that you are worried this year because you have a parent who is in jail or prison. I know it must be hard to be separated from someone you love, especially during the holidays. You have such a big heart!

I want you to know that no matter what, I will be showing up at your home on Christmas night, delivering your presents. So be sure to get to bed early! I will also think of your parent as I fly over the place that they are living. Messages and drawings from loved ones mean so much to anyone who is incarcerated, and I’m sure your parent will be just as happy to receive a Christmas letter from you as I was.



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