Printable Letters From Santa
Letter From Santa To Child In Hospital

Text of the letter:

Dear ______________,

Ho, ho, ho! I’m writing to you from the North Pole with a very special message. I heard that you are in the hospital, and that you might be celebrating Christmas there. I wanted to make sure you know that I am still planning to visit you in the night while you are fast asleep. It doesn’t matter if you are at home, or on a trip, or even in a hospital. I can find you.

I know it can be tough to spend the holidays in the hospital. But the spirit of Christmas is everywhere. I bet that before long, the hallways will be decorated for the holidays. Some hospitals even have a Christmas tree, or a special menorah for patients and visitors who celebrate Hanukkah.

I’m proud of how brave you have been. I hope that you are feeling better and stronger each day. I have known your doctors and nurses since they were children just like you, and I know they are taking good care of you.

I am going to tell you something very cool. Did you know that my reindeer love delivering toys to hospitals? It is so easy for them to land the sleigh on the same pad where the medical helicopter lands! If you listen very closely on Christmas Eve, you might be able to hear us up there.



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