Printable Letters From Santa
Magic Elf Was Touched

Text of the letter:

It would seem you think it's tragic
that I was touched the other day.
But I simply lost my magic,
and I'll get it back my way.

No, you didn't break me,
I'm chipper, safe, and whole.
Santa won't forsake me,
so I'm off to the North Pole.

I'll be gone a little longer
so my magic stuff can mend.
If your willpower can get stronger
I won't need repairs again.

Remember I'm not here to touch,
though I'm always here to listen.
I hope that you'll be good and such
on the nights that I go missin'.

No need for any crying.
No need for all those tears.
I've got lots of nights of spying,
and I'll be your friend for years!


The Magic Elf

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