Printable Letters From Santa
Letter from Santa to a Cat

Text of the letter:

Dear __________,

I've been checking my list, and at first I thought I saw your name on the "naughty" list but then I checked it twice and there you are on the "nice" list! What a good kitty! (I did hear about some of your antics around the house, however.)

Your family must really love you. I heard that they're planning to hang a stocking up for you. I have my elves hard at work making cat toys, and the baker elves are working on treats. I was going to bring you some catnip, but I think Rudolph is allergic, so I'm not sure if that will work out.

Please be a good kitty this holiday season. Don't climb the Christmas tree, and stay away from the Christmas lights. I don't mind if you help scratch open a few presents, though.

Be sure to wake your family up early on Christmas Eve! That's one night they might forgive you for being an "alarm cat."



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