Printable Letters From Santa
Santa Letter Child Didn't Get Desired Present

Text of the letter:

Dear Susie,

Your parents told me that you were very disappointed on Christmas that you didn't get the presents you asked for. I am sorry to hear that. I know that it's difficult when things don't turn out the way you wanted them.

I try my best to get great toys and gifts for every child, but I don't always have the time and resources for really big or expensive gifts. I hope you understand. It's not because you were naughty. You were definitely on my nice list. The toys I got you were ones I thought you'd really like. Maybe you should give them a chance and you might find that you have a lot of fun!

Maybe next year you can send me a list, and I'll try to make sure you get at least one of the things that you really want. I know that you're already a good kid, but remember to listen to your parents and play nicely with other children, because that really helps.

While I think that kids should get the gifts they want, I think you should also remember that Christmas is not just about getting gifts, and that a lot of kids don't even have the nice house and cool toys that you do. Christmas is a time to remember how lucky and blessed we are, to appreciate our family and friends, and to help those that aren't quite as fortunate.

Well, I had a very busy Christmas, so I have to go take a nap. I'll see you next year (but you won't see me!)



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