Printable Letters From Santa
Santa Letter Distance Learning

Text of the letter:

Dear Susie,

I just wanted to write you a letter to let you know that I think you're doing a great job being a Niceā„¢ kid. I know that it's been a really hard adjustment this year, and the pandemic has caused a lot of changes. I think you're very brave and cool for learning how to do distance learning, even when it's difficult to stay focused.

I'm glad that you're still able to attend school with your teachers and friends, even though it's online now. It can be both fun and challenging to do your schoolwork on a computer, and you are definitely on my "Nice" list for doing your best and trying hard every single day.

I'm a huge fan of learning something new every day. I'd love for you to write me a letter and tell me about all the great lessons you've had and the new things your teachers have taught you. And, of course, send me your Christmas wish list! We're hard at work getting all the presents ready for the big day!



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