A child worried about conflict in their family may write to Santa with their concerns. This message from Santa offers comfort and also urges the child to seek out a trusted grownup if they feel unsafe.
Free to download and print. Or, download the editable version for just $5 Either way, you can print this letter from Santa in just moments.
Download this Letter from Santa:
Text of the letter:
Dear ______________,
Thank you so much for your letter. I hope you don’t mind, but I read it aloud to Mrs. Claus, because I find that sharing tough things with someone you love and trust can often make you feel a little better. Also, sometimes a friend or someone with more life experience will have new ideas or perspectives to share.
We were sorry to hear about the arguing that has been going on in your family. It is so hard when the people you care about aren’t getting along, especially when voices are raised. Would it be possible for you to talk to your parents about your feelings? It could be that they don’t realize how the conflict is affecting you. But if you ever feel unsafe, please be sure to talk to another trusted adult such as a teacher or relative.
Mrs. Claus and I send you “virtual hugs,” along with wishes for happiness and harmony.