Printable Letters From Santa
Santa Letter Favorite Cookie

Text of the letter:

Dear Billy,

Thank you so much for your letter! It was sweet — literally! I’m so glad that you asked about my favorite cookie.

Now, let me tell you, I have received many cookies from many children over the years, and I have nibbled on most of them. I enjoy toffee cookies, sugar cookies, decorated cookies, peanut butter cookies, oatmeal cookies, and even oatmeal-raisin cookies.

But my absolute favorite is a good, old-fashioned chocolate chip cookie. Chewy, crisp, or somewhere in between, I love cookies with lots of chocolate chips.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. If you leave me cookies, I will be sure to try them. I like milk, too, and my reindeer are partial to carrots.

If you get a chance, please write back and let me know about your favorite cookies.



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