Printable Letters From Santa
Santa Letter Giving A Puppy

Text of the letter:

Dear __________,

I know youÕve been asking for a puppy for a long time, and you are such a good kid, so IÕve always wanted you to have one. As you know, puppies are a huge responsibility, which is why I had to make sure that your parents agreed to this decision.

Well, your parents have said that they think youÕre ready for a puppy now! Wow! You must be an excellent, responsible kid! Please make sure that you do a good job helping to feed and walk the puppy, because I want you to be able to stay on the ŌNiceĶ list next year!

As you may know, I donÕt deliver puppies directly to peopleÕs houses. ItÕs much too cold to keep little animals at the North Pole, and I donÕt have a puppy bathroom on my sleigh! Instead, IÕve left your puppy at the local shelter for you and your family to pick up! I let your parents know which puppy it is.

I hope you have a wonderful time naming and playing with your new animal friend. Merry Christmas, and thanks for being such a wonderful kid!



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