Printable Letters From Santa
Santa Letter Hot Climate

Text of the letter:

Dear Susie,

Merry Christmas! I am so excited to be heading to your house this Christmas. The elves are hard at work and a team is oiling my sleigh right now. I'm going to take a test flight later tonight, to make sure the reindeer are in tip-top shape and the sleigh bells jingle just as they should.

It's very cold and snowy up here at the North Pole, but I know that's not the case in your neighborhood. My world temperature gauge tells me it's actually quite warm there. I bet this seems strange to people who picture Santa Claus landing on a snow-covered rooftop in a thick, red suit. But, ho, ho, ho, you and I know differently, right?

In case any of your friends in cooler areas ask, here's my little secret for flying into zones where the weather is so hot. I'm dressed in layers! When I get too warm, I just take off my hat and suit and underneath I have Bermuda shorts and a cool tank top! Aaah, what a relief that is. Sometimes I even put on some shades. People say I look like a "Surfin' Santa!" Then, when I fly into a colder climate, I just put my winter clothes back on.

Please get plenty of sleep on Christmas Eve so I can sneak in and leave your gifts. If you don't mind, please leave me a cookie. But no hot cocoa, thanks. I'd prefer a glass of ice-cold tea or lemonade!



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