Printable Letters From Santa
Santa Letter New Baby In The House

Text of the letter:

Dear Susie,

Merry Christmas! I am really looking forward to seeing you again this year.

I have loaded up my sleigh with plenty of presents for you, because I know you have been especially good and patient this year. If you hear any sleigh bells or a clatter on the rooftop, that's just me and my reindeer!

Also, congratulations on your new little sibling! I know you are going to be the best friend and role model ever to this addition to your family.

When there is a new baby in the house, especially around the holidays, it can seem like older children aren't getting the attention they are used to. But just because people are excited to see the new little one doesn't mean they love you any less. Oh, no! They are just happy to see how your happy family is growing. You must be so proud!

Now, I know it can be hard to sleep when there is a baby waking up and crying at all hours. But please do your best to go to bed early on Christmas Eve so I can come in and leave your presents!



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