Printable Letters From Santa
Letter from Santa to Older Child who Might Not Believe

Text of the letter:

Dear __________,

How are you? I was just checking my lists for a second time, and sure enough, there's your name! You're on the "good" list, of course. (Were you worried?)

Is your stocking ready to hang? I hope it's a big one! My sleigh is loaded up with toys and games. Don't worry: The elves know exactly what's on your wish list this year. You have good taste.

I heard a rumor that you're not sure I exist. Well, I hope you can keep your doubts to yourself. Christmas is such a magical time, especially for the little ones, and I know you wouldn't want to spoil their fun.

Oh, and if you think of it, please leave a carrot out for Rudolph. He needs to keep up his energy if we're going to make it to all of those houses in one night!

Your Friend,


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