Printable Letters From Santa
Letter from Santa Claus about an Inappropriate Gift

Text of the letter:

Dear Susie,

Ho, ho, ho-no-I don't think so! Nice try, my young friend. I heard what you want for Christmas, and I understand that you want it very badly. But I'm afraid I just cannot comply.

You see, it's true that I have a swell workshop and access to a skilled team of elves. I have the ability to secure the present you asked for. But that's not the problem. The issue is that I know for a fact that your parents are not OK with you having it. And that is a deal-breaker, even for Santa. I respect their decision.

I know you're disappointed. But please try to think of some other things you'd like to find under the tree on Christmas Day. There are many gifts I can deliver to you, but that just isn't one of them. Be good, and Merry Christmas!



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