Printable Letters From Santa
Santa Playdate

Text of the letter:

Dear _______________,

You are such a sweet child to invite me to have a playdate with you! I am so sorry to say that I cannot get together with people individually, even good little boys and girls.

It’s not that I don’t want to. In fact, I’m sure we’d have lots of fun. You might not guess it to look at me, but I enjoy basketball, and I am really good at checkers. And Mrs. Claus is the only one who can beat me at jumping robe.

Unfortunately, I am just so busy that I can’t take time for playdates. Plus, if I met with one child, it wouldn’t be fair to all the others who would like to hang out with Santa Claus.

Please reach out to your friends at school and in your neighborhood during winter break and set up some playdates with them. You could even pretend to be Santa!



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